The Market at UTC
For the outdoor enthusiasts, gear up for your next big adventure at L.L.Bean. Discover quality outdoor gear and apparel for the whole family, from the iconic Bean Boots to jackets, vests, tops, bottoms, sleepwear and swimwear. Whether you bike, hike, hunt or fish, there’s also a plethora of accessories and equipment for everything you aspire to do – and be – outside.
The Market at UTC
The Mall at UTC
The Mall at UTC
The Mall at UTC
UTC comes alive each week with entertainment and excitement. Join us for in-store shopping parties, live music events, fitness classes, car shows and so much more.
See EventsCome hungry and leave happy from any one of our 80+ restaurants and eateries. There’s plenty of options for breakfast runs, mid-day lunches, after-work happy hours, date-night dinners and weekend brunches.
See Restaurants